Tag Archives: Optimizing Android App

Optimizing Your Mobile Application Portfolio

When Google introduced the Android operating system in 2008, companies across the United States rushed into developing IT projects based on the new OS.  Today, the development of Android applications remains one of the wisest investments a company can make.  The average American spends 2 hours and 38 minutes utilizing their smartphones every day, a number which continues to grow.  Mobile devices and connectivity have ingrained themselves in the everyday life of the average citizen.  The notion of a company not investing in the development of Android-based software in this day and age is not only foolish, it’s a potential death sentence.

With the proper strategy, web and application development will improve a company’s growth.  However, over-investment in apps and other software can work against a company’s long-term strategies and impose a myriad of problems, including decentralized IT functions, reduced performance of application software, competing operating systems, and redundant technologies, all of which contribute to increased operating costs.
The only comprehensive solution to over-investment in web and application development is Application Portfolio Optimization (APO).  Optimizing a company’s Android portfolio will increase its overall value.

The general procedure to APO is as follows:

  1. Take an inventory of the IT portfolio. Diagnose each piece of hardware and software, reviewing its operating costs.
  2. Recognize the role each piece of hardware and software plays in the company goals.
  3. Assess the actual needs of the company versus the value of what each piece of hardware and software contributes.
  4. Consolidate your portfolio to ensure the most efficient operating speed in relation to operating costs.

APO may appear intuitive on paper, but it is onerous in practice.  Many companies house IT assets off-site, further complicating the APO process.  Some companies even have IT assets scattered throughout the globe.  As a result, hiring the right web development firm to reduce your technical footprint is a crucial decision, integral to the success of your company.
APO can not only fix over-investment, it also acts as a precautionary measure to prevent over-investment from occurring in the first place.  Like any other business process, maintaining a lean application portfolio maximizes your company’s potential.  If your company grew too quickly or hopes to grow quickly, the implementation of APO will move your development strategy forward.